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Are You Ready To Meet Your Financial Goals?

Have you ever wished you could get out of debt, pay your bills, save more money, or save up to buy a house? If so, this is the workshop for you! You'll learn the skills you need to be financially free! Join us in Canton, MS on September 10th at 9am.

What You'll Learn


Create a Budget

Everyone knows that they need a budget but most budgets fail because they are not easy to stick with. In this workshop, we will teach you the foolproof way to make budgeting easy, automatic, and effortless.



Crypto, stocks, and other investments are all the rage these days. We will help you understand how these investments work, smart investments, and how you can use them to win. 


Control Your Spending

You work hard for your money and you shouldn't have to deprive yourself to reach your financial goals. We will teach you how to live the life you want within the bounds of your budget. 



Insurance is a key tool people use to transfer wealth and to ensure that their loved ones are cared for if something were to happen to them. 


New Revenue Streams

You can only do so much by lowering your expenses, to get to the next level, you'll need to find ways to increase your income. We will talk through a few ways you can increase your income or start a side hustle. 



Statistics show that people are much more successful at reaching their financial goals when they have accountability and a community to keep them on track. As a part of the workshop, you'll be added to a local online community where you can grow financially together!


Meet The Speakers

Vernon & Desiree Brown

Vernon and Desiree' have been on the financial freedom journal for almost a decade. By using everything from old-fashioned saving, the stock market, flipping real estate, being a landlord,  starting small businesses, and everything in between, they have been able to set, meet, and exceed their financial goals time and time again.

At this workshop, they will give you all of the steps they took to meet their goals so you can avoid their mistakes, and reach your goals faster!

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Who Is This Workshop For?

This workshop is for you! Seriously, there is something in this workshop for everyone. Whether you've never learned anything about managing your money or if you have been at it for years, you'll learn a new skill to supercharge your goals. 

Is It?

September 10, 2022

9AM - 12PM

Is It?

Harvest of Hope Christian Center

3091 South Liberty Street

Canton, MS 39046 


How Much
Is It?

HOHCC Disciples: FREE

General Admission: $29

  • Is there an online option if I don't want to attend in person?
    Absolutely! We will stream this event via Zoom for all registrants the can't or do not want to attend in person. You will be able ot attend and participate just like you were in person!
  • Is there a cost for this event?
    Yes, the event costs $29 per person. Hpwever if you are a Harves of Hope Christiqan Center memeber, it is free!
  • My situation is unique, will this help me?"
    Absolutely! Everyones financial situation is unique however he thing that remaing true is the skills and tactics needed to turn things around!
  • I have more questions, is there someone I can talk to?"
    If you have more uestions about the workshop, feel free to submit them via the contact us form!
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